Zoom Meeting + Documentary + Discussion For 1 location AND Up To 90 remote attendees; CALL FOR PRICING
per item
WE PROVIDE--for ONE LOCATION and up to 90 remote attendees:
- Electronic invitations for all attendees
- Management of zoom meeting--start to finish
- zoom meeting high definition presentation of Saving Claire; suitable for display on large screen. EITHER 33-minute or 55-minute version.
- Up to four Subject Matter Experts
- Hosting: Introductory Remarks & Moderated Discussion
- Marketing Materials
- Event Marketing
- Internet connection for any locations and/or remote attendees
- Location--if applicable--including:
a. Display
b. Audio Reinforcement (sound system)
c. Seating
d. Facilities (i.e., bathroom, parking)
e. Refreshments (i.e., snacks, beverages)
d. Local Event Management--if applicable
Your Choice of Subject Matter Expert(s); NOTE--must be approved prior to event scheduling
PLEASE NOTE:Technical Support Included